Experience with Gainsight Scorecard?

Doug Caviness
Doug Caviness Member | Expert ✭✭✭

I'm interested to hear about experiences using Gainsight Scorecard, and if you feel like you've nailed the measures.


  • Carlos Alves
    Carlos Alves TSIA Administrator, Moderator, Founding Member | admin

    In the past, I used Gainsight Scorecard, but I depended on a lot of external metrics from other systems, which made the CS team experience not great.

    @Kate Wigglesworth , any thoughts around here?

  • Hey Carlos, thanks for including me in the conversation! We use our scorecard to track our product consumption and CSM sentiment on renewal with a grading schema. I'm not sure if we've nailed the measures, there's definitely room for ideas and innovation! We also use other platforms per Carlos's note to track more detailed metrics.