Response Rate Changes to Customer Experience Surveys?

Kerri Wienbeck
Kerri Wienbeck Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

We have been surprised by lower email response rates to customer experience surveys in recent months. Has anyone else experienced this challenge and what actions are you taking to encourage participation?

Best Answers


  • Kerri Wienbeck
    Kerri Wienbeck Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    Thanks @Gavin O'Leary. Very helpful! I especially like your focused attention on closed loop feedback.

  • Kerri Wienbeck
    Kerri Wienbeck Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    Very valuable insights. Thank you so much @John Ragsdale and @Gail Propson - I'm taking immediate action to review and deploy from your comments.

  • StevenForth
    StevenForth Founding Partner | Expert ✭✭✭

    Our response rates are steady but I think one has to be careful of three things. Not to over survey. See @John Ragsdale comment above. Make sure the process of taking the survey itself is of value to the person taking the survey. This is not easy and requires creativity in survey design. I can't say we always achieve it but we work hard on it. Make sure that the survey respondents get the results in a form that is useful for them. This also requires thought and effort. The survey is for the customers, make sure it provides value to them.

  • Courtney Ellis
    Courtney Ellis Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    Hi @Kerri Wienbeck,

    Our rates have been steady (and lower than we'd like) for the last 6 months. Two months ago we made a strategic change to the segmentation of our NPS recipient list. So far we have not found an increase. Our next step is to update our sender to a member of our C-suite.

    For closed loop feedback, respondents who rate promoter receive an automated thank you message. Those who score a passive or detractor rating receive individualized outreach from the CSM looking to schedule time for a call to discuss concerns and mitigate renewal risk. We have playbooks for passive and detractor that allow for engaging senior leadership when necessary.

    Interestingly, our support CSAT response rate has been hoovering around 20%. We send one when the initial case is closed, and if there are updates to the case the customer has the option to change their rating.

  • Alex Vecino
    Alex Vecino Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    Our response rate has been stable as well, around 16% on email surveys.

    Agree with many colleagues that we need to ensure we are not over surveying the customers. We apply a quarantine of 30 or 60 days depending on kind of interactions to avoid the customer receiving the survey again and again.

    Important to mention that customer has shown a better Net Satisfaction Score during toughest part of the Covid crisis (march & April). As the teams were able to move rapidly to home working and keep contact with Customers, we believe was very valuable and customers recognized it.