John Andrews · Global SVP, Service Offer Design & Development · | Scholar ✭✭


  • A consideration that we have found helpful is to treat "Platforms" as "Products". With this mind set, the principle is to follow a 'product lifecycle management' approach and consider: strategy (short-, medium-, long-term); evolution/development/integration roadmap; commercial justification (business case for investment);…
  • @Steven Forth Our HR team are busily reviewing the situation and will create policies from what we've learnt over the last few months. At a tactical level, I find what works reasonably well is a heightened focus on making sure that team members are actually taking leave/PTO, especially when there's no opportunity to go…
  • Like many organisation, NTT Ltd. is also evaluating role locations as we continue to learn more about the impacts and implications of Covid-19 on working practices and performance. Without doubt, there is evidence to suggest that employees can be more productive when working remotely. But this needs to be tempered with…
  • I think video on as much as possible if bandwidth allows. Probably like many people, I can be terribly undisciplined and get distracted by incoming emails, WhatsApp messages, MS Teams chats, and other channels in our omni-channel world. Being on video forces attention to the call in progress, unless perhaps you want to be…
  • Following the shift of our service delivery function to entirely remote operations in all of our global centres, we have seen an uptick in our Client Satisfaction scores, and SLAs have also improved. This isn’t to say that they were inferior scores in the first place, rather we have seen an improvement in an already…